Hiroaki Okuchi
Hiroaki Okuchi is Head of CEO Office of Woven by Toyota.
He has served as a Representative Director of Woven Planet since its inception as Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development (TRI-AD). Since February 2022, in his role as CLO, he has been responsible for strengthening cooperation between relevant departments of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and partner companies. Through this collaboration and development of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), he helps to realize safe and secure mobility.
Okuchi joined Nippon Denso Co. Ltd. (now DENSO Corporation) in 1988 to develop powertrain components and headlight systems. He worked at DENSO International America, Inc. from 2000 to 2004, and was appointed as an Executive Director of the System Control Components Business Unit in 2013. He became a Managing Officer of TMC in 2015 and was responsible for advanced safety technology and electronics technology. He served as a President of the Advanced Research & Development (R&D) and Engineering Company from 2019, and has been serving as a Fellow since 2022.
On weekends, he enjoys golf, motorcycle touring, and working out at the gym.