Profile image of Daisuke Toyoda

Daisuke Toyoda

Woven City

Daisuke Toyoda is the Senior Vice President of Woven by Toyota. As one of the founding members of Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development (TRI-AD), which became Woven Planet, now Woven by Toyota, he was engaged in creating an innovative environment where employees can maintain a strong focus and maximize productivity and efficiency by leveraging information-sharing tools. He is currently managing the  Woven City project and is committed to creating a city that is full of happiness.

Prior to TRI-AD, Toyoda was at the Electronic Control Engineering Division of TMC where he changed the organization to optimize software driven development. As a racing driver, he participates in various motorsport activities. Leveraging the skills he learns driving in extreme conditions to better understand the idea of "fun to drive" and to evaluate what comprises a "good car," he seeks an automated driving and mobility experience that moves people’s hearts.

Toyoda received a bachelor's degree at Keio University and a master of business administration at Babson College. He is also known as the CLO "Chief Lunch Officer" because he is often exploring new foods and tastes. His personal motto is to enjoy what he refers to as the “before taste, middle taste, and aftertaste" in all things.