Inquiry Form

Woven by Toyota, Inc. (“Woven by Toyota,” “we,” or “us”) will endeavor to manage and operate personal information provided by you in relation to your inquiry appropriately and safely in accordance with the Privacy Notice. As all responses are tailored to your individual inquiries, please refrain from forwarding or disclosing part or all of the information sent to you to other parties. Please send your inquiry using the form below. [Disclaimers] ・For inquiries regarding Toyota Motor Corporation's products, please refer to the Toyota Motor Corporation Customer Assistance Center (available in Japanese only for customers in Japan) or consult your local distributor (for customers overseas). ・Depending on the nature of your inquiry, we may not be able to respond to you. We appreciate your understanding in advance. ・Any communications or materials you transmit to this site or otherwise provide to us, excluding personal information, will be considered non-confidential. We will have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such information and are free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute it without any limitations. Furthermore, we reserve the right to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in such information for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development, manufacturing, and marketing of products incorporating such information.

Contact Details
* Required fields

Email(メールアドレス) *

First Name(名) *

Last Name(姓) *

Place of Residence(居住地) *

State in the USA (米国州) *

If your answer is the United States of America in the above question, please select the applicable state name. If your answer is not the United States of America in the above question, please select ”Not in the United States of America”) found at the top of the choices. 上の設問でアメリカ合衆国と回答した場合、州名を選択してください。 上の質問でアメリカ合衆国と回答していない場合、選択肢の一番上にある 「Not in the United States of America 」を選択してください)。

Organization / Corporation Name(組織名)

Message Subject(件名) *

Message(お問い合わせ内容)※maximum 5,000 characters(5,000文字まで) *

Acknowledgement(同意) *